Yanhua Digimaster 3 Odometer Correction Master Digimaster3 No To

Yanhua Digimaster 3 Odometer Correction Master Digimaster3 No To

Q: Digimaster 3 and digiprog 3 are both odometer correction tools, can you tell me the difference. Digimaster 3 is so expensive, i want to know it better.
A: Digimaster 3 has the main function of digiprog 3, but the car models they support are different. Such as Didiprog 3 support Benz/BMW/Porsch key programming function, while digimaster support more car models for airbag reseting function. The relationship of the supported car models is not coverage, but complementary. Digiprog 3 has 8 kind of language to choose, while Digimaster 3 only has English language.

Arkam Alexandar, 02/23/2016
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
$999.00  $899.00